We all have different definitions of what love is.

For me, it’s a feeling I can’t shake. It’s looking at the person and instantly feeling my heart melt.  It’s the fear of ever losing that person. It’s waking up in the middle of the night to care for him when he’s sick. It’s watching the sun rise and set with hope for a love as constant. It’s praying for his well-being each and every night. It’s wishing he were here when he’s not. It’s smiling when he’s happy. It’s walking through a grocery store and wondering if he’s eaten today. It’s knowing him like my favorite book, but finding new exciting details as time goes on.  It’s being proud of his accomplishments. It’s being honest no matter the circumstance. It’s learning lessons from the arguments. It’s looking through old photographs and knowing that the love hasn’t changed. It’s listening to the sound of raindrops beating against the window and thinking of him. It’s being told great news and immediately phoning him to share. It’s laughing at his silly jokes. It’s wanting to give him the entire world, but being disappointed that I physically can’t. It’s having conversations about the things that matter. It’s that feeling when my heart aches when I miss him. It’s not possibly having enough words to fully express my feelings.

This is love. 
