To learn how to understand someone better is a hard task. Each & every single person has their own mind. A mind filled with emotions, feelings, memories, & everything that makes us who we are as humans. If you’re arguing with someone & you just can’t get along, then trying to understand them better can seem nearly impossible… but it’s not. You just have to step back & look at not only yourself but others. Be open-minded. Change perspective! Because in order to live in harmony with someone you must take them into consideration. I hate arguments, especially with a loved one. It makes me feel like I’ve done something wrong. So always remember, no matter how angry or frustrated you are- try to understand the other side. A petty fight/argument isn’t worth losing a loved one. It’ll take time to build a good relationship. There will be moments where you yell & retaliate with words that sting like venom but that’s just it- that’s life. You can’t go through life without saying things you don’t mean. However, you can always try to lessen the disputes in order to lessen the pain/confusion that comes along with it. Life is beautiful enough & you shouldn’t let something as little as “arguments with a loved one” get in the way of that.


