I’m at a loss for words. Remarkable, TRULY remarkable.”


Perspective: 3rd Person
In-short: 2 kids, 2 mazes, one massive organization…
Moral of the story: WICKED is NOT good.

Holy crap. James Dashner has done it again everyone. Can we have a moment of applause? *ferociously claps by myself* I would like to start off by saying, Mr. Dashner- if you ever stumble upon this tiny blog within the vast void of the internet then THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH. I’ve been a fan of the Maze Runner series since pg. 1 of well….The Maze Runner. Thank you for loving us fans and writing yet another book to share the stories of how it all began with WICKED and Thomas. You didn’t have to- but you did. When I found out that you were coming out with another book- I screamed. When my best friend, Mia, told me that she had pre-ordered the copy for my birthday- I screamed again.

Honestly, anyone who knows me knows that I’m obsessed with the Maze Runner series/franchise. From every page in (now all 5) books to the live action movies.***
By writing the Fever Code, James Dashner has brought back old characters that we all know & love by giving us the story of the lives they lived in WICKED prior to the big ol’ “Memory Swipe.” Now I’m not going to go into TOO much detail because I don’t want to spoil anything for those of you who haven’t read the book yet. HOWEVER, if you need anymore reason to buy the book then just know- James Dashner starts the book with an excerpt from Newt’s past.

BAM!– start reading.

The Maze Runner series is amazing in general because it consists of topics that include:
-Each individual fighting for their own independent cause
-A girl entering into a society of boys that don’t treat her any differently
-PTSD, Depression & Death
-Kids having to grow up way too fast
-Guys showing emotion without being ridiculed or slandered
-The power of friendship without having to necessarily be romantically involved

The list can go on & on…

The Fever Code takes place in a post-apocalyptic time (just as the whole series.) Throughout the book, the readers will see how some of the kids were placed in WICKED, the friendships that Thomas were able to form, and some more horrors that took place in WICKED before any of the trials even began. I absolutely loved seeing old characters brought back to life & seeing how they were exactly the same person even before they had their memories wiped. It brought tears to my eyes discovering Newt’s past and just realizing how unfair his life was from beginning to end. He’s my favorite character too @JamesDashner, W H Y??? It was also a shock, realizing more truths of WICKED & seeing who was related to who.

If you’re a book worm just like I am & you have the time (devotion, commitment) to dedicate to another book series then I would HIGHLY recommend The Maze Runner series. If I could get my older sister into it (who no longer has time to read as much due to the adult life) then I’m sure I can get you guys into it too. The Fever Code’s ending had me wanting to re-read the whole entire series again with a new perspective.
The ending had me all sorts of messed up- the betrayal is REAL.

***The movie franchise is a WHOOOLE ‘nother ballpark. If you guys would like to hear my opinion on Movie vs. Book for the series then just let me know here or via twitter @InWSim


Please leave a comment below if you’d like to talk more specifically about the book! Be careful with spoilers though!!


Thank you SO much for reading! xx

Book Worm,
