This is long overdue. You have always known how much you deserved this but you always pushed it away. You have always put others first until your happiness is the last thing you think about. But now more than ever is the perfect time to start loving yourself.

You are not lesser than anyone else on this Earth. Stop walking down the street with your head down and feeling shameful for things you cannot change. You are who you are for a reason, and you were given a great purpose by a higher power. Even though you don’t have all the details figured out & life isn’t perfect (it never is for anyone), follow that little voice in your head that is telling you that you can do something great. Because you can. AND YOU WILL.

You deserve to hold your head high and show everyone your smile. It is one of your best features. You are so worthy of love and you always knew that. Your mind tried to trick you, darling. Your insecurities want to steal your spotlight, but they have nothing worth saying. You are so beautiful that your resiliency shines like the burning sun in the sky. You are worthy of your goals. You deserve happiness. You are capable of the success you always wanted to achieve. You can’t let anyone or anything take it away from you. That includes mental illness. It has ruled your entire life and always attempted to get in your way. Put to it rest and put it in its place!

Please stop looking for the love you need in other people, because you must first learn to love yourself. That love is buried deep within you and it’s the most important thing you will ever need. At the same time, do not be cold or distant. Reach out to people. They love you and want to help you. Give them the warmth and respect that you would want back from them.

Surround yourself with people who see your light and encourage it to shine. Build others up and try to give them the strength that you acquired. You can have a beautiful life. Happiness isn’t impossible. You don’t have to be afraid. Make your mom proud. You know you are sick of being sad. Love yourself until your very last breath.




(featured image credit to tumblr)