Dear Desiree,

Shine brighter than you ever have before. Allow yourself to be happy and full of joy. Love yourself the way you love others. Smile and laugh much more than you cry. This is your chance to create the life you constantly dream of. No life is perfect, but allow yourself to have the things you deserve. No dream is ever too big. I hope you find self-love. It is definitely something that you have struggled with, but if you keep working at it- I know you will get there. Love yourself enough to take care of yourself. Put yourself first before anyone else. Learn to spend time on your own and enjoy it. Become your own best friend. Stop searching for love and attention from others. Give it to yourself. You deserve so much greatness in this world. Never sell yourself short! Do the things you love. Follow your heart no matter the circumstance. Surround yourself with people who bring you happiness. Always be kind and lend others your smile. Show appreciation in your actions. Love deeply. Spend time in nature. Live freely. You were given this life to do powerful things. Do not waste it. Do not hold yourself back. Your time is precious.


Yours truly,
