As the month comes to an end, I’d like to address a topic that is not talked about enough. May has been nationally declared as mental health awareness month. Unfortunately, mental health is associated with a negative stigma. A stigma that attacks the people struggling with mental illness. I know that my fellow blogger, Jessica, shed light on this issue in one of her recent posts. Here is the link I am referring to: But in honor of spreading awareness, I wanted to make a post of my own because the more we talk about it the better.

Too often, we ignore mental illness for what it truly is. It is explained as a condition that affects the mood, behavior, and way of thinking. Though, because there is too much ignorance and not enough knowledge, it is something that is frowned upon in today’s society.  The truth is that people fear the things they do not understand. Sadly though, people would rather disregard the issue than take time to be respectful and become knowledgeable of the issue they are so effortlessly degrading. This is expressed by acknowledging those with mental illness as “psychos”, “crazies”, “nutjobs”, etc. It is demeaning and sad. As well as, having the perception that individuals struggling with mental illness are just over dramatic and seeking attention.  Contrary to popular belief, a person can not easily just snap out of a mental illness. It takes a lot of damn patience, courage, and resources to find help. Even then, it is all left up in the air.

Today is not the day for ignorance. I hope that instead of judging, criticizing, or turning a blind eye; society will show support, love, and encouragement to those suffering. To do so, think before speaking. Be sensitive to the topic of mental illness, ask questions before assuming, and be someone’s listening ear. Quite frankly, I am tired of the disrespect. I am tired of the snickers and chatter that falsely circulate people struggling with mental illness. Let’s stand up for mental health. Let’s start a discussion. Let’s fight against the stigma!

Taking a stand,