Ever since the day I wanted to end it all, I’ve decided to change my whole entire lifestyle…

On a daily basis, I’ll remind myself:

  • Don’t overreact- just because something doesn’t go according to plan doesn’t mean that everything is going wrong
  • View things on the positive side– everything happens for a reason
  • Count your blessings– not just in general but within the day, it’s the little things
  • Cut the bullshit– don’t take anyone’s bullshit.. it’s that simple, you don’t need any more negativity in your life
  • Aspire to be a positive light in this world.

I call it: “New Mindset Jessica”

Since that day, I’ve been constantly reminding myself of these 5 affirmations and handling everything life had to throw at me with this new mindset. I’ve found that when you face the world with a positive attitude, you’ll be rewarded with positive outcomes- no matter what the situation. To be completely honest, it’s been really difficult. I always feel indifferent after thinking about an attempt.. and I was so set on doing it too.  Now, I’m the one calling up different therapists rather than being forced into therapy AFTER an actual attempt- my original therapist has relocated to a different state 🙁

Everyone always describes me as a positive light and I’ve never agreed with them. I’ve struggled for years with this mental illness. I felt like the pain and darkness were going to consume me eventually. But now, I’m taking mental and physical steps to change that. I’m tired of hurting other people by constantly pushing them away. I’m tired of constantly hurting myself.

I feel unstoppable with this new mindset. I feel like I finally have control over my own life. At the end of the day, if I’m out here trying to live my best life then that’s all that matters.

Finally, I’m ready to truly live my life and just have fun with it.

 I want to be that positive light that everyone else sees me as.

At Last,
