Former Vice President Biden discusses the Biden Institute, past experiences, and getting engaged during his speech on Friday afternoon in front of Memorial Hall.

Journalists, officers, and students began crowding around 10 a.m. despite the fact that the event wasn’t until noon. There was an electric atmosphere while waiting for Biden, not because of the thunderous clouds forming but because of the Blue Hens’ school spirit. The crowd of about 400 people began to chant “Biden is back,” before they erupted into cheers when Biden appeared on stage.

Biden thanked UD’s President Assanis and two student speakers before he said, “It’s good to be home. Good to be welcomed back.” Biden then spoke about UD’s Biden Institute, saying that it addresses civil rights, economic reform, and environmental sustainability. He thanked Assanis for the opportunity and partnership before mentioning that his sister, Valerie, will aid in managing the Biden Institute.

“At UD, Valerie was on the dean’s list… while I was on the dean’s hit list,” Biden said. “I was on social probation twice, I don’t understand. All I did was use a fire extinguisher on an RA,” he said as jaws dropped and the crowd burst into laughter. Biden continued to talk about the Biden Institute, saying that their mission was to influence and shape the current work in our nation.

Biden’s smile dissipated as he recalled when he attended UD, his role-model, President Kennedy, was assassinated. A few years later, when he was at law school, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. Biden said that his generation’s mantra was “Don’t be engaged, there’s no point.” He then said that this was the reason why he wanted to be so engaged.

The whole purpose of the Biden Institute is to involve the community, to give students and people alike a chance to interact with scholars, according to Biden. He said,  “You guys are the most engaged and tolerant generation in the history of America. I mean it.” Biden then addressed issues that the generation recognizes such as income inequality, LGBTQ+ rights, civil rights, criminal justice, and environmental problems.
At the end of his speech, Biden said, “If you don’t like the way things are, then get off your rear ends and do something about it!” Before he quickly added, “and if you see me around campus, don’t pretend you don’t know me, say ‘Hello!’” But you could barely hear the final line as the crowd erupted into cheer once more for the Former Vice President of America and now the founding chair of the Biden Institute.