Hello readers,

I’ve recently returned to school after a wonderful spring break of catching up with old friends and experiencing new things.  I hope you’re all doing well too- no matter where you are. 🙂

If you know me, you’d know that I was an avid watcher of Youtube- that means I would have  to watch every single  video in my subscription box. I could never miss one and if I didn’t have time to watch one, then I’d just add them to my “Watch Later.” After a while, I realized that I stopped watching Youtube videos AND checking social media as often. The idea of just aimlessly watching/scrolling on my phone or laptop started to bother me. I felt restless but in a good way.

My sister once told me that at some point in my life, I’m going to grow too busy to have time to sit down and watch Youtube. I responded by saying, “I have no idea when that day will come.”

Well, the day came.

It’s not even like I’m too busy, some days I’d rather just do other things- like listening to music and writing in my journal. I’m more interested in living in the present moment then being glued to my laptop or phone. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m still posting on social media and I still want to create videos/content!! So, it’s not like I’m giving up the internet forever.

Sometimes people can get too carried away with follows, likes, and comments- it’s all a number and attention game. I think that it’s more important to break out of these “internet” habits and focus on what’s right in front of you. I’ve found that I have less worries and I’m more productive this way.

So, what are some habits that you guys want to break out of?

