Each choker is individually handmade… let that sink in. From the sourcing, creating, and packaging – it’s all done by a one-woman show.  The chokers are neatly made, there’s no glue or harsh materials involved in the production. The simplistic accessories have 4 beads, 1 marble bead, and a satin ribbon. It varies in different colors and each marble is different. So, your necklace will always be unique to YOU.

The choker has a simple crab claw clasp so it’s easy to put on and the ribbon is also a perfect length so the necklace isn’t choking you. My personal favorite would be the white ribbon with the gold beads. The white ribbon reflects the light sometimes, giving it an almost iridescent look (which I LOOOOVE.)  The packaging includes a business card and cute little sticker, with the brand’s logo, which I might just add to my laptop! Overall, I would rate this a 5/5, it’s also reasonably priced considering that it’s all handmade.

Check out CoreConviction’s Etsy Shop:


MADI MUCHA IS A VIRGO THAT LOVES TO TALK. A Sophomore at the University of Delaware, Madi is majoring in Marketing and minoring in International Business. Core Conviction’s Etsy shop launched in the beginning of April but the idea came to Madi in late January.

Q. What inspired the idea for Core Convictions?

A.  A lot of things, I’m going on a road trip this summer with my boyfriend so we’re gonna go to California to visit some family. It was kind of to make money during the summer so that I could experience fun things but I do have a knack for fashion, I’ve always loved it.

Q. How’d you come up with the name and logo?

A.  I’ve been interested in minimalism, I love fashion but I believe in more staple pieces. It’s one necklace but in a variation of colors – minimalism.  I wanted to create simple pieces that didn’t take away from who you truly are.

“Our conviction is that style comes from the core,”  our conviction is our belief. You don’t need to have clothes or makeup to show people who you are. Your true style is from within, it’s your personality – who you are. Your core is what really shines.

The logo was inspired by a picture of the core of the Earth. It took 2 days to make – my boyfriend, Noah, actually helped me make it because he’s good with Photoshop.

“There’s so much I want to do better for the world & for myself.”

*When I asked Madi to walk me through the production of the chokers, she gave me a step-by-step process. She emphasized trying to go towards 0-waste with packaging which is why she decided on drawstring bags that can be reused!

Q. What is your brand’s mission statement?

A.  I don’t have a strict mission yet but I know it’s definitely not about fashion, or me, or money. It’s about the values of minimalism and living in the moment.

Q. Where do you see Core Conviction in the future?

A. I have so many ideas for this company, I want it to be more economically friendly. Maybe later I can even put some of the profits towards charity. Maybe move from Etsy to have my own website and have seasonal designs.

*Madi gave me a sneak peek of what she has in store for her products and I’m loving it!!! You HAVE to watch out for her.

“I just want to help people with self-confidence, build people up, help them realize their values…”


Q. Which one is your favorite choker?

A. The black choker with the gold beads and plain marble.

Q. What is your favorite accessory?

A. Shoes. Every time I put on clothes it’s, “What shoes will I wear?” Dress with sneakers make it edgy, I like that. I would describe what I wear as “Rad Dad” or like “12-year-old boy.”

Q. What is your favorite thing in your wardrobe right now?

A. I’m trying not to get too attached to materialistic things. But if I had to pick, it would be my black mesh and gold Cluse watch. Their website actually inspired me to come up with a deeper meaning for Core Conviction.

Q. Coffee or tea?

A. Tea. Matcha tea, getting a little tired of it because I’ve been drinking it every day instead of coffee. I’m trying to broaden my horizons to more herbal teas, there’s a lot of good things about many different teas. That’s so interesting!

Q. Morning or Night person?

A.  Morning. I’ve been trying to wake up between 7:30-8am every day. In the morning, I can check my emails and drink some tea. I just like being productive.

Q. Sushi or Pizza?

A. Definitely sushi. Mikimotos is the best sushi in Delaware… in my opinion!

Q. Coke or Pepsi?

A. I don’t really drink soda. Whenever I go out, I usually drink something with the least amount of sugar. So water or tea…Ginger Ale if I’m ordering a soda. But if I HAD to pick between Coke or Pepsi- Pepsi.

Q. Winter or Summer?

A. Definitely summer, I get so cold. I was cold today because this wind was too much.

Q.  What is your ideal night in?

A. That would probably be… cooking dinner with my boyfriend then eating it. Or, hanging out around the table with a few friends and having a genuine time together, playing music or games.

Q. What is your favorite song right now?

A. The Avett Brothers- Laundry Room; I’ve also been listening to the minimalist podcast when I work out. I’ve been more into the chill/alternative/lax music.

Q. What do you do in your “me time”?

A. Lately, I’ve been really busy but definitely exercising. In my free time, I do a lot of mindful activities and learn about self-care. I exercise at least 3 days a week and search up healthier recipes.


I hope you guys enjoyed getting to know Madi Mucha and Core Conviction. I’m so so sorry for that 2-week hiatus, I had to deal with a lot of school-related things and personal stuff that I’ll be talking a bit about in next week’s post. But I checked my STATS and see that I’ve still been consistently getting hits. So thank you so much for not going anywhere, I promise I’m coming back strong. You guys are the best readers. <3

–  Jessica