This week’s blog post is for all of my middle-class working 20-something year olds who feel like they’re stuck at their 9-5 job.

For anyone who finds themselves in a toxic work environment, there are a couple of reasons why it can be hard for you to leave. Maybe you’re the sole-provider for your family, or there aren’t any available jobs in the market right now, or possibly because you need the money- whatever the reason, you feel stuck. And what a time to feel stuck, when we’re quite actually STILL going through a pandemic.

Personally speaking, I am not happy at my current job. Ever since I was “promoted” without raise, I’ve still been expected to perform and complete all of my old position’s tasks along with my new position. I do it all without any complaints because I have a good relationship with my direct boss. However, that doesn’t say anything about the rest of upper management.

I’ve come home from work every day this week in tears. I’m losing sleep over this job because I’m overthinking every condescending word spoken to me or every form of mistreatment. Before I get into the whole stigma of “job hopping,” I’m going to share some words of advice for anyone who is unhappy at their job right now.

I try to remind myself every day: If people choose to treat you poorly, then that is a reflection of their own character and insecurities.

And a gentle reminder for anyone in a leadership/management position:

Your workers are human too. They’re not robots. So, while you have a tight ship to run, remember to treat your workers with empathy and compassion- or else your ship will sink.

Jessica C.

I highly considered seeing a therapist again because work has just made me that depressed. But then, I thought to myself, “Why do I have to go to therapy just because other people choose to project their internalized issues out on me?”

And you have to remember, everyone is going through their own frustrations and stressors in the workplace. Just because you wouldn’t treat others poorly under a high amount of stress doesn’t mean that others wouldn’t do the same.

Now, after telling yourself these gentle reminders, we’re left with the conflict of whether or not you (or I) should leave the job. While there could be many more underlying issues within your work environment, you may have some anxieties over whether or not quitting your job will be a good reflection of your own character. A handful of people, who are older than me, have told me that you could look flaky if your resume shows that you’ve worked at multiple different companies for short periods of time. Additionally, most jobs require at least 2-3 years of experience in their respective field. However, I think that times have changed, and people are switching their jobs more frequently nowadays. It’s no wonder why companies are paying more attention to their retention rates when it boils down to how many people hired actually end up staying.

Recently, one of my best friends gave me some great advice when she said, “Don’t let people encourage you to settle for anything in life. If you are unhappy with where you are then put yourself in a position to be happy. Do not settle or limit yourself.”

It made me realize that this generation truly doesn’t settle for anything less than what they deserve. And I think that that’s a great message to take away from all of this. Rather than “job hopping”, it’s more so just finding a company that aligns with your values and work ethic. And listen, why stay at a job where higher-ups treat you like shit, make you miserable, AND underpay you?

Don’t settle for a toxic job or toxic people.

You deserve to be in a work environment where you can actually use your talents, thrive together as a team, and still grow as an individual.

And to wrap things up, I just wanted to announce that I’m officially back on my Youtube channel and it would mean the world if my audience here can go over and subscribe! While blogging is my deep and emotional side, my Youtube channel will serve as another outlet for me to showcase my creativity and love of beauty/fashion!

Click here to watch my most recent video! I’ll be posting every Thursday. And remember:


