Journaling means to make record of things such as experiences, ideas, or reflections. Though, it certainly has no limit. The best thing about journaling is that you can make it your very own.  Like me, I use a journal to better my personal development. There are so many types of journaling, but I have found that this is most effective for ME. I have learned so much through journaling that I thought I would share it with you all.

I have always been the type of person to feel deeply. I like to use those feelings and express them through forms of art. Writing has been my main outlet for years. Whenever something is weighing heavy on my heart, I’m lacking motivation, or just need to find my voice, I write.  Whether it is through journaling or poetry, writing has given me the outlet to free my thoughts.

I was never consistent with my journaling. I used to just write in my journal when I wasn’t forgetting about it which wasn’t often. Recently, though, I have been writing in my journal every night. It has essentially become a part of me. I think this is because I rediscovered the feeling it brings me. When I write it my journal I am given a sense of relief and calmness. This feeling gave me motivation to continue to write and eventually it turned into a beautiful habit. By journaling, I find that my mind is at great ease. It is something that calms me as meditation or prayer would for some.

Through this journaling process, I have been able to understand my thoughts and feelings a lot better. Do you ever feel like you just don’t know what to say or how to feel? Or you try to hide your feelings? Well, that is something that I do more times than not. However, when my pen scribbles across my notebook, I am honest. I am honest about my feelings, life, goals, and/or thoughts. There is something about writing things down as opposed to saying them aloud that makes it easier to be honest with yourself. The great thing about this is that I can refer back to these entries and see the improvements I have made or need to make in my life.

Most of all, the important thing that I have learned from journaling is how much I was focusing on the unimportant and negative things in life. Reflecting on these entries gave me a bit of an epiphany. It was time that I started putting my energy into things that would make me a better person. I’ve learned to appreciate what I have. I realized that in order to live a happy life, it is important to think not only of yourself, but the people you love. My journal has evolved from something that was once self-centered and filled with negativity to a positive energy that filled me with ease.

Try to write things down, it may benefit you the way it has me. If you already do, what type of journal do you keep? I’d love to hear!

~Desiree Lutz