Hello internet, it’s me again.

To be honest, I don’t really know where I’ve been. Nothing bad happened. In fact, I found myself happier than usual with everything in my life- despite some minor setbacks. I was close to contacting my therapist over a certain anxiety-inducing situation but I decided that it would just be best to wait until I’m back at school. (since she’s near my campus.)

I haven’t been journaling and I haven’t felt any creative sparks lately. I would never want to force myself to post something just because I have to meet a deadline or appeal to an audience and I would never want to post something that wasn’t written in its most authentic state. I have a few unfinished posts drafted because I just haven’t felt inspired to write lately…

The posts that I have drafted include: platonic relationships, heartbreak in another form, and an excerpt about my journey through therapy. But every single time I try to write, I find my mind wandering off elsewhere.

My birthday is coming up on August 26th. I use to dread my birthday because it meant another year of living and I didn’t know what hardships were to come. But now that I’m doing better, I’m actually looking forward to celebrating my birthday. That’s such a strange feeling! Especially after 7 years of battling with this mental illness and the struggle to want to stay alive.

So, I’m sorry that I’ve been lacking in posts- I really am. But there are better things to come, always. Just be patient.

To the crappiest post that I will ever publish…

