
My therapist advised me to find a quote that would help me find the positive out of every bad situation. Although this isn’t the quote that I chose- it did remind me of my best friend.

Upon studying Ernest Hemingway & his book “A Farewell to Arms” in highschool, I’ve learned that he can be a pretty depressing dude (oxymoron unintended.) The quote here implies that everyone is broken but that isn’t true. Bad things don’t always have to happen to EVERYONE. And that doesn’t mean that they have any less compassion, or sympathy, or light than people who are a little broken.

My bestfriend- She grew up in a safe environment with a loving family (an awesome family at that.) She has a great group of friends & a boyfriend who treats her like a princess. She was never broken. She was always whole. So to say that light can’t get in her would be a lie. She is light. Light shines through her & onto other people. She always knows how to make people laugh but she’s a good listener when it comes down to it. She knows that bad things happen. Sometimes she even thinks that something bad will happen to her.
Whether it be heartbreak, loss, or anything else- hopefully none!

My point is, if you’re reading this post & you feel relatable; Just know that something bad doesn’t always have to happen for someone to be kinder or more understanding. Because I know that sometimes TV shows or movies can portray it that way. There’s nothing wrong with having lived a good life!!! Just remember to count your blessings is all. Because just like my best friend, she is light & so are you. Keep radiating that positivity & kindness onto everyone. That goes for us broken kids too. <3

