I’ve been asking myself for a year now,

What is the hardest part of loss?

I still have yet to find an answer.


Is it that the house is quiet without your laughter?

Or that I can’t share the news of how my day went, whether good or bad?

Is it our dog looking longingly at our front door sometimes & I just know that she’s still waiting for you to come back?


I’ve asked others what the hardest part of this will be.

My aunt says it’s how permanent loss is.

A friend of mine says it’s when you start to forget what their face looks like.

Another says it’s going to be rough because sometimes a girl just needs her mother.

Believe me when I say that all of this is true.


Even though my life will never be the same.

I know that you are here still.

In my good days and bad ones, your hands are on my shoulders.

You are the summer breeze.

You are the flowers all around us.

You are the sunshine that graces us during the day,

And the moon that kisses the sky each night.

The hardest part, by far, is having to share the most amazing mom there is with the entire universe until we meet again.

But I think that I can manage…….


I Love You Forever, Mom.
