I’ve mentioned before that I never really struggled with my body image. Growing up, finding confidence was something that was relatively easy for me and I’m grateful for that. But for others, it’s not that easy. So, this is for my readers who can’t look at magazine covers without judging their own features. For my readers who find themselves comparing themselves to every person they see on the streets or on social media. For my readers who absolutely dread the Victoria Secret’s fashion show or fashion week in general. But also, for my best friend, who can’t seem to realize how beautiful she truly is.
A reminder:

There’s a reason why it’s called “Beauty STANDARD.” Everyone, from all over the world, construct these ideas/images/standards of what is & is not beautiful. Being tan & skinny is an American beauty standard. But Latinas like curvy and Chinese/Korean people like fair skin tones. There isn’t this one set image of beauty…at all and there never will be. Because beauty is always changing. Thin eyebrows were early 2000s along with small hips. Now everyone wants a big ass & feathered/snatched brows. There’s no end to it!

Social media could be so bad sometimes (Look out for a future post about social media.) It makes it easier for people to compare themselves. I know it won’t be easy to just stop comparing yourself but it’s a daily effort.

To be frankly honest, no one really cares about what you look like and no one is going to nit pick stuff they don’t like about you. (Unless you’re a legit model here who has to fit into the American Beauty Standard.) You could eat the same amount of food or do the same workouts that a Victoria Secret model does and you still wouldn’t have the same body as her because every body functions differently. Everybody was born to look different. (Even twins have their minor differences!)

So don’t get too caught up in what you look like & what you think looks disgusting on you. Because someone from SOMEWHERE will think that it’s beautiful. Remember that beauty is only a concept and learn to love yourself.

PSA: Everyone has rolls when they bend over, some people wish their boobs were bigger, some people wish their waist was smaller. Everyone wants something but never really appreciates what they have.

So just learn to love the body that you were born in.

**(& yes, you could still work out or eat healthier if you want! But do it because you want to be healthy. Not because you want to be skinny. ❤)

Beauty is in the eye of its beholder,

