#1- Classes canceled? Stay in bed and take a nap (or several naps.)

#2- Binge watch Netflix shows

A Series of Unfortunate Events just renewed for a 2nd season! (Even though we all saw that one coming) So watch the 1st season, you won’t regret it!

#3- Have a snowball fight (Careful not to slip on ice!)

#4- Have upcoming Exams or a paper due? Take advantage of the free day to catch-up!

#5- Orrr forget about all of that and just treat yourself to a Spa day.

#6- Make some hot chocolate. It sounds weird in the middle of March but it’s guaranteed comfort!

#7- Curl up with a nice book and dive into a new adventure w/o having to leave your room!

#8- Have a movie marathon with your friends! (Different from bingeing because you have to dedicate yourself to a series.)

#9- Practice the art of “snatching your face.”

(I’m 100% going to practice doing my makeup, gotta perfectly blend that eyeshadow!)

#10- Just relaaax.

Overall, no matter what you end up doing, just remember to take a break and relax! IT’S A SNOW DAY!!!