TIP 1:

I swear by Pond’s Cold Cream Cleanser! I’ve even made it part of my holy-grail skin care routine. Using makeup wipes could lead to dry skin in the winter so I’ve switched to a cream makeup remover instead. Within the 1st use- I’ve found my skin completely moisturized, plump, & soft! It completely removes all makeup too! For only under $5, I would HIGHLY recommend this during the harsh winter months.

TIP 2:

Our lips can get EXTREMELY dry during the winter especially if you’re someone who likes to talk/laugh a lot. (me) So I have my handy Vaseline Lip Therapy tin. This prices for $4, which can seem pricey for just a chapstick. However, one tin lasts me 4 months (and I apply daily) so it really is worth it! I can kiss chapped lips away thanks to this! I also have the tub version because I find that it helps to apply some to my elbows or knuckles when they get a bit dry.

TIP 3:

Growing up, my grandmom would ALWAYS nag me to apply body lotion after I shower because “it only takes seconds, no one wants to touch dry skin!” But I never really began to fully moisturize my body until last year tbh. As my college roommate would advise, “it works best if you massage the lotion into your skin. That way it soaks up all of the moisture.”

TIP 4:

Find some hydrating facial masks to slap on once every week! I find that it really helps maintain a good complexion and hydrated skin. Plus, who doesn’t love 20 minutes of relaxation- doing a facial and watching an episode of your favorite show! My favorite masks to use for dry skin are below:

TIP 5:

Invest in a humidifier to break out every winter. Humidifiers help in putting moisture back into that dry winter air- leaving your skin hydrated and vibrant. P.s. humidifiers also aid in clearing up your sinuses!


I hope you enjoyed my 5 tips that I’ve been following myself the past month! Now, I don’t have to worry about dry or cracked skin this winter season!


Skin-care rookie,
