Idea 1: “Trust Jar”

This idea was inspired by the Youtuber, Bubzbeauty. The concept is, you fill a mason jar with whatever you desire (marbles, shells, rocks, etc.) & then you put a tiny message inside of it. When you give it to your significant other then tell him/her, “there’s a secret inside & if you trust me then you won’t open the jar.” It’s a gag gift (haha) unless you really do want to test your lover’s trust.

*I taped a piece of scrapbook paper on the inside for added detail

Idea 2: “Date Plans”

For this project you’ll need: another mason jar, popsicle sticks, colored sharpies, & added decor if you desire. For the purple popsicle sticks, I wrote a bunch of dates that require money. That can range from going out to eat or going to the Aquarium. However, for the blue popsicle sticks, I’ve written cheap/free date ideas that range from staying in and watching movies or creating our own holiday together! The possibilities are endless! I would advise searching up fun things to do in your hometown for this project.

*I didn’t have chalk for the black label so I was forced to use white-out. Very sloppy. 10/10 wouldn’t recommend.

Idea 3: “Something Special”

Have a musical bone? Somewhat musically talented? Singing similar to whale calls? It’s the thought that counts. Pick up an instrument you know how to play and search up the chords for “your song.” A tune that means something to both you & your partner. The latter will be very touched!

Idea 4: “SURPRISE”

For the girls: leave a trail of roses and small candles from the steps up until the bedroom for a romantic night in. For a classic touch, leave flowers and chocolates on the bed.

For the boys: you can still do the above (gender equality) or you can buy some balloons and tape your couple photos to the end of the strings (leave balloons hovering over the bed.) Gifts you can leave on the bed include: his favorite scent, a new wallet, or a hat/scarf to keep warm in the winter.


Hope some of these ideas have inspired you to make your significant other feel special on this holiday! ENJOY 🙂


Hopeless Romantic,

