I know the title of this post seems extremely negative in nature, but life has its ups and downs right? So despite everything that has happened in the world this year, I give a wave goodbye to 2017 quite happily, to be honest.

There is something that is said of hardship and I can say that it is 100% true: whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you  stronger. This year I feel like I’ve become living proof of that statement. This year has thrown quiet a lot my way, and there have been times where I felt as if I was inside a dark tunnel and failing to see the light at the end of it. The hardest part of this year happened just three months in, and I have found myself barely talking about it, to say the least. In March, I lost my mother. I’ve never felt a pain like that and it is truly the hardest thing I have ever gone through in my life. She was the person who truly knew me the best and I shared a really close relationship with her, and for that I am forever thankful.

I don’t want this to be a humdrum or sad post, because this year wasn’t just sad moments or stress. There were elements of these things in it, but I can honestly say that 2017 has taught me so much about who I am, and who I want to be in the future. I’ve learnt something truly powerful this year- to learn from my pain. Despite the fact that I am not a believer in the thought that everything happens for a reason, I do believe that the hard times in life can be used as a tool to better ourselves and learn so much from the experiences we face.

That being said, in 2018 I have a lot of hope for myself, for my success and for the improvement of my overall outlook of life. I’m taking 2018 as a invitation of growth. And I hope that everyone else does too. Let yourself make those New Years resolution list whether you think you will complete them or not. Happy New Year, guys!

~Andrea 🙂