What is happiness? Well, the definition simply explains that it is state of being content. So, what makes you content? Is it a person near and dear to your heart, a place that brings you joy, or an experience that you’ll never forget? Whatever it may be, it is yours. There is often a misunderstanding that what makes others happy should make you happy. Evidently, that is not the case. Through society we are controlled to believe that by following the trend we will find happiness. The latest IPhone, Pokémon Go, chokers, and velvet clothing are all small examples of this past year’s trends that brought happiness to many people. In time the next IPhone will become available, chokers and velvet will be out of style, and Pokémon Go will be no more. Advertisements will soon service for the newest IPhone, fashion shows will display the new trends, and someone will develop a new app leaving Pokémon Go in the dust. Society tries to make us believe that once that thing we love is out of trend it because less valuable. But what is its value to you? Does it still make you happy? For years society has tried to control what we find value in. It’s the cool and acceptable thing to purchase the next best trend. But does it make you happy? Can you honestly say that IPhone 7 is your pride and joy? Have you tested all of its features? Or are you just going with the flow and letting society make you believe that this is what you want? Think about it for a moment. What makes YOU happy? What makes YOU laugh? What YOU find happiness in does not have to reflect what makes others happy. Start doing more of what you love. Stop and ask yourself: Does this truly make me happy?

~Desiree Lutz