Dear 2016,
you’ve been one hell of a year. like a real-life hell.
personally, you’ve thrown problem after problem at me.
globally, there have been too many attacks on innocent people…I’ve lost track.
lost track of the lives lost- whether known or unknown.
politically, let’s not talk about that.
there was this never-ending suffering surrounding me. more bad than good. way more bad.
to be frankly honest, I’m frustrated that you were such a shit year.
In the midst of everything, I (of course) had to deal with my on-going anxiety and Seasonal Depression.
So thank you 2016.
Thanks for nothing.

Jessica C.

I wrote this bitter letter in a moment of frustration upon reflecting on this past year. Now that that’s over with- I’d like to present my readers with my new year’s resolutions. The idea of writing down and making resolutions for the new year always seemed tacky to me. But to be honest, mama has been in a funk. And after bad year after bad year; Well, I’m desperate for a good year! So in an attempt to make this year MY YEAR (jeez that even sounds tacky.) Here are my resolutions:

2. Be that person that wears perfume all of the time.
3. Try balancing a job during the academic semester (I know your anxiety says nonono but you can do it.)
4. Stop being such a pushover. You don’t have to please everyone- especially those that don’t even deserve it.
5. Go out to eat with your friends more. Don’t be so stingy.
6. Continue writing. It’s your passion.
7. Keep in mind quality when uploading.
8. Be a BOSS! ( #bawse, #girlboss)
9. Strengthen bonds with close friends and your family. Don’t act so distant. You know they care.
10. Remind yourself that it’s okay to be afraid. But don’t let that stop you from doing the things you want to do. Or speaking up for yourself when you know that something doesn’t seem right.

So 2017….here’s to hope, growth, and happiness.

I can do it & so can you,
