To save you the time of scrolling through endless amounts of reviews and blog posts that can be waaaay too long, let’s just cut to the chase: it’s legit.

If you’ve never heard about it, ThredUp is an online thrift shop where you can buy and sell used clothing. What happens if they don’t sell? The company donates it regardless! You can visit the website here:
*clothing that’s too worn out tend to not sell*

The Process of Selling Your Clothes:

  1. Go on the website and make an account- it’s free!
  2. Click on “My Account” in the top right corner of the screen
  3. In the menu (left side of screen) you’ll see a “Clean Out” option; click on “Order a Kit”
  4. The website provides a step by step process after this
  5. It’s a no brainer!

Experience with ThredUp:

Usually, you have to pay for a clean out kit but don’t let this factor turn you off. If I remember correctly, it costs less than $5 to receive a bag and handle shipping costs. I received my kit for free because I was able to snag one during a promotional event- so I thought, why not try it out?

The bag depends on the amount of clothing/jackets/shoes/handbags you’re going to give away. Prior to actually receiving the bag, you have to go through a checklist online. The checklist will just ask you questions about what items you’d like to sell, the conditions of those items, and if those items are brand names. I heard quite often that the downside to ThredUp is that they only take brand named clothing but that’s not quite true. Obviously brand names will sell better but I’ve had off-brand clothing sell before! And remember, at the end of the day they’re still donating your clothing regardless.

It took less than a week for me to receive my clean out kit and it came neatly packaged in this envelope:

The envelope contains the mini pamphlet and card (as seen in the 1st picture.) The bag that I received was the size of a medium-sized trash-bag because I was only giving away a decent pile of clothes (& yes the bag also has a cute polka-dot design on it with some funny text.)

Once you fill your bag and seal it, you just have to drop it off at your nearest postal office. You don’t have to worry about a shipping label because it’s already provided for you on the bag! It took about a month for me to hear back from them, hence why it took me so long to publish this post. Honestly though, you kind of just have to wait it out until one of your items sell because the website does have a wide selection of clothing to choose from. Once an item does sell, you’ll receive this email:

I’ve made about $4 off of 3 items that were sold but it’s better than nothing right? It’s an easy way to get cash and then you can just transfer the money into your actual bank account via PayPal.

Badda Bing Badda Boom.

So, what are you waiting for? Get to selling!





Note: I really do apologize for the inconsistency of my blog. I’ve been caught up with life, university, and work. I’m never going away though so never worry!