Before we get into this post, I’m not going to sit here and write a 8am-10pm schedule of how you can stay productive every minute during this quarantine. How daunting is that? Scrolling past Instagram and seeing everyone working out, starting up small businesses, creating aesthetically pleasing WFH spaces- the list goes on and on. Hey, I’m guilty of jumping the bandwagon and kick-starting my own business back up as well! There isn’t anything wrong with productivity during this quarantine but there is something wrong with feeling the need to be productive.

Times are rough. For reference: The last pandemic was the H1N1 flu in 1918. That means that our parents and THEIR PARENTS have never even experienced something like this before. But, in a way, it’s not the end of the world for us to be stuck in quarantine at this day in age. We’re lucky enough to have advanced technology that allows us to Facetime our loved ones or have Zoom parties with our friends. (Although, the physical, face-to-face, deeper conversations are missed.) This isn’t to ignore the fact that some people don’t have a safe place to quarantine or that others are struggling to take care of their families or support themselves. Economically, politically, socially- everything seems like a whirlwind of craziness!!! I read a post that compared this pandemic to the storm in the film “Parasite”- a Korean thriller movie that highlights social issues between the rich and the poor. For those who are more fortunate, this pandemic is allowing them the time to unwind and finally pick-up those long, forgotten hobbies or projects. Whereas, for those less fortunate, this pandemic brought on great financial burdens and the uncertainty of their futures after this is all over.

“Take this pandemic as a blessing to appreciate the things that we took for granted” v.s. the mindset of “When will this nightmare of a pandemic be over?”

There’s so much fear and uncertainty in a world that is so much bigger than our own. So, guess what? If you’re sitting in that comfortable in-between limbo, it’s okay if all that you did during this pandemic was survive.

You don’t have to come out of this quarantine with a new business, a fit body, or some life-long achievement attained. If all you did was make yourself meals every day, sleep, watch Netflix, and play Animal Crossing everyday then that’s okay!!! Comparison is the thief of joy so, try not to get to caught up in how other people are choosing to spend their time quarantined.

What scares me the most is that the mental health effects that this pandemic has caused will be more long-lasting than the virus itself. There are people who invested so much money into starting their small business that are now forced to close, people scrambling for healthcare to help combat this virus, people who are going to be in long-term debt because they can’t afford to pay bills or loans right now. Along with this virus, there’s most-likely going to be an increase in suicide-rates and that’s not going to include the undiagnosed cases of depression due to the stigma surrounding mental health.

Opening up the conversation about mental health and eliminating the stigma around it is the exact reason why my blog grew so big. If you’re worried about what life is going to be like post-quarantine, just know that you’re not alone in this. We’re all taking it day by day- together.

Remember to support your local small businesses if you have the funds! Also, please remember to reach out to loved ones during this time. Stay healthy and safe out there lovely readers, I’ll catch you in the next one!

